Saturday, September 29, 2012


Hottest day since the start today and we decided to go to Pompeii where there are stone ruins and no shade.  Good planning!   It did come up cloudy about 2pm and everyone was hoping for a storm – looks like all the cloud has gone again and the heat is here to stay for a while.  Not sure where the weather experts are from – we checked two weather sights for next weeks weather in Roma – one said rain all week, the other said sunny all week.  Think we’ll just look out the window in the morning and make plans from there.
We picked up our laundry today after it had all been carefully washed, dried and ironed.  The people at the laundry couldn’t speak any English but we worked out there was a sock missing…isn’t there always?  We got in the car and it was on the floor, bugger.
Went on to Pompeii, fascinating place, we thought it would be a little town square and a few houses excavated.  It is a whole town, with theatres, palaces with mosaic floors and painted walls, town squares, a brothel and kilometres of streets full of little houses.  Lots of public areas baths, fountains and temples.   The authorities have stopped excavation at the moment and are in the process of trying to preserve all that is uncovered to date.  Walking the streets of Pompeii was very hot and we stuck to shade along buildings when we could.
Rounded off the day with a drive around Vesuvius where all the ash and devastation came from a couple of thousand years ago.
Relaxing siesta at the unit and we’ll be ready for an afternoon drink soon to wash the Pompeii dust away.

It really is a whole city.
Vernon, ruins and Vesuvius - in that order.
The Grande Quadrangle.
The Quadrangle from higher up.
The imposing sight of Vesuvius in the background.
Looking for bodies in downtown Pompeii.
Someones' house circa 79AD.
Looking for shade and a cold drink.

Found a body at last.

Stuck in a room with all the other stuff that's been excavated.

Pregnant woman housed in a glass case.

Crouching man.
The first pizza oven perhaps?
Painted walls.
Statue in Casa del Fauno.  It's only about 40 centimetres tall and looks like it is set in a fountain.
Some shade and some green grass in Pompeii.

Hoping for a 'Chevy Chase' moment.  Pam made me do it.


  1. Absolutely amazing. You seem to be doing it all and with great insight and knowledge of each area- I can only presume Pam did all the research for the places you visited. One question- When you go tot he beach Vernon- surely when you take a photo of Pam, you could get beautiful Italian women in the background?
    Something to work on I guess. Brett

  2. Thanks Brett, I have considered your suggestion regarding the beach photos. However....each beautiful Italian woman in a bikini seems to be accompanied by at least 2 x six foot Italian men who watch everyone like hawks. If I even pointed the camera in their direction the camera would end up over a cliff and I'm sure they'd then throw me over to look for it. I'm brave but not stupid. I'll work on my technique and get back to you. Wish me luck!!! I'll get Pam to do some more research on that one. Vernon
