Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mt Etna

The plan today was a drive around the base of Mt Etna, shopping at Taormina then a swim at the beach.  The Mt Etna drive went to plan.  Fascinating place, it starts to smoke in the morning and gets smokier and cloudier all day.  There is snow on the top too, didn’t get to it today.  The drive around the mountain was very revealing; through more good luck than good management we drove through a couple of the local towns.  They are very tidy and have vibrant city centres with the most picturesque town squares, totally changed our opinion of Sicily in general.  We seem to have driven through all the worst sections of the island and today’s drive was a refreshing change.
Got to Taormina, didn’t realise it was at the top of a cliff hundreds of metres above the beach.  No problem, shop and then go for a swim.  They have a siesta in Italy; shops are shut from about 1pm till 4pm.  So sad we got there at 1pm and most of the shops were shut.  Ah well, off to the beach.  Got there about 3, by that time Mt Etna was in full force belching smoke and ash and the hot sun had gone.  Decided to go home and relax till it was time to walk down to the shore front for tea.  Almost ran up the back of a BMW which stopped as it was pulling out onto the highway.  Pam and I were a little shaken….but not stirred!!!
Went down to the waterfront again for tea; a bit later tonight so there was plenty of choice.  The Sicilians have redeemed themselves.  The Italians can certainly cook good fish and the swordfish Pam had and the baked Royal Dorade fish I had was sensational.  Walked home without even stopping for a gelati…..we really can’t let that happen again!!!
Heading back to the mainland tomorrow after an interesting time in Sicily.

Mt Etna, early morning - not much action, just a wisp of smoke.  Mt Etna is actually a number of mountains, Mt Etna is just the highest one.
Closer look at the crater.

Later on in the morning - starting to blow.

Getting up a head of steam by lunch time.

A previous lava flow with trees just starting to grow in the rocks again.

Just one reason we need Kate and why we get lost even with her about - at least this is a sign post - most roads are just a mystery, even Google Maps have numerous 'unknown road'.

View from Bronte where we had a nice coffee and a donut filled with pistachio cream.  They grow lots of pistachios in this volcanic soil and they claim to have the best pistachios in the world.  It was a nice donut.

View from Taormina

This is a street, it is about shoulder width.

I'm sure I've driven up there in the last couple of days??

View of motels on the edge of the cliff at Taormina

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