Friday, August 31, 2012

Airport waiting

Well here we are at the Brisbane Airport waiting for the plane to leave.  Scheduled to go at 2.30am, there has been a delay and we'll now go at 3am (we hope).  We were very disappointed no-one came to see us off, surely someone could have got up early or stayed up late to join us for beer and wine (or breakfast) at the lounge?
Ah well, I suppose we will have to keep each other company.
Pam has been a little ill all day, she has a bad cold, went to the Doctor and he gave her a stack of medication, hope she feels better after the flight.  The up side of that is she hasn't had the time or inclination to worry about the miracle of flight.
I only have one photo - Pam busy with a crossword book, she wants to save the dozing for the flight.  Only 2 hours before we depart.   No more now until we get to Italy.
Vernon and Pam xxx 

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